On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 8:01:53 PM UTC, Anssi Kääriäinen wrote:
> Something like this might work:
> Transaction.objects.values_list('member_id').annotate(total=Sum('amount')).filter(total__gt=0).aggregate(Sum('total'))

This didn't work - it produced a "SELECT  FROM" query, which obviously 
didn't work - tried adding 'amount' to the values_list, but that didn't 
help either. Eventually got it to work by using .only('member', 'amount') 
instead, and it *was* fast, but it didn't quite do what we need: we only 
want the *outstanding* credit/debt, i.e. some member might have many 
transactions, but they all add up to zero - so instead of increasing both 
total_debt and total_credit by that value, it shouldn't affect the totals. 
Which is why I wanted to total up by members first... any idea how to get 
that to work ?


> That is, don't start from Member, Django isn't smart enough to get rid of 
> the non-necessary joins. Instead go directly for the query you wrote in 
> SQL. In the ORM .values() is the way to control GROUP BY clause. Getting 
> the order of .values() and .annotate() right is important, and it is 
> sometimes hard to figure out how to do it correctly. Also, if you have some 
> extra ordering going on in the query just issue an empty .order_by() call - 
> that will get rid of all ordering.
>  - Anssi
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 8:11:29 PM UTC+2, ST wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to optimize the run-time of getting total credit and debt 
>> values out of our database. Ideally I'd like to formulate it as a Django 
>> query. This is the raw SQL query I have, which produces the right answer 
>> and is very fast (milliseconds):
>> SELECT sum(tg.total) FROM
>>   (
>>   SELECT sum(t.amount) AS total, t.member_id AS member_id
>>   FROM club_transaction AS t
>>   WHERE t.member_id IS NOT NULL
>>   GROUP BY t.member_id
>>   ) AS tg
>> WHERE tg.total < 0
>> (plus a second query for > 0)
>> My Django implementation was:
>>         m = Member.objects.annotate(balance=Sum('transaction__amount'))
>>         m_debt = m.filter(balance__lt=0).aggregate(total=Sum('balance'))
>>         m_credit = m.filter(balance__gt=0).aggregate(total=Sum('balance'))
>> which looks a lot nicer, is easier to understand and maintain.
>> However, it results in the following SQL query (slightly redacted):
>> SELECT SUM(balance) FROM
>>   (
>>   SELECT "club_member"."id" AS "id", {all the other fields}, 
>> SUM("club_transaction"."amount") AS "balance"
>>   FROM "club_member"
>>   LEFT OUTER JOIN "auth_user" ON ("club_member"."user_id" = 
>> "auth_user"."id")
>>   LEFT OUTER JOIN "club_transaction" ON ("club_member"."id" = 
>> "club_transaction"."member_id")
>>   GROUP BY "club_member"."id", {all the other fields}, 
>> "auth_user"."last_name", "auth_user"."first_name"
>>   HAVING SUM("club_transaction"."amount") < 0
>>   ORDER BY "auth_user"."last_name" ASC, "auth_user"."first_name" ASC
>>   ) subquery
>> (again, plus another one for > 0)
>> which is very slow (almost 1.5 seconds).
>> How can I construct a Django query which doesn't request (and group by) 
>> all the unnecessary other fields ?
>> I already tried playing around with only() and values() but never got it 
>> to work.
>> Looking forward to your responses!
>> best regards,
>> ST

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