Hi guys,

I have django 1.6.1 project which uses django rest framework and I work 
around building api. I covered api calls by unittests and I have one 
Application name is 'api' and all tests are passed when I run tests using 

python manage.py test api

But when I run all project tests without specifying application name, tests 
are failing with error 

ERROR: test_get_contract_list (someproj.api.tests.ContractAPITestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/Projects/someproj/api/tests.py", line 44, in 
    url = reverse('api:rest_api_contracts')
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 
505, in reverse
NoReverseMatch: u'api' is not a registered namespace

In my tests I'm using 'reverse' method from django.core.urlresolvers for 
getting urls for tests, for example:

url = reverse('api:rest_api_contracts')

In my root urlconf I have this pattern:

url(r'^api/', include('someproj.api.urls', namespace='api')),

and in my application urlconf:

url(r'^contracts/$', views.ContractListAPIView.as_view(), 

So, why tests are failed when I run it without specifying app name? 
Method 'reverse' works fine when I run tests with application name as 
parameter and works fine in shell as well.

Danil Galeev

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