
I learned quite a lot and appreciate it greatly!



On 4/02/2014 7:37am, werefrog wrote:

For Windows, I tried many ways that worked but I finally installed
Visual Studio 2008 C++ for the compilation problems and only pillow and
psycopg2 resist in my case (I simply extract the content of the binaries
from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/, copy content from
'SCRIPTS' to project's virtualenv 'Scripts' and 'PLATLIB' to project's
virtualven 'Lib/site-packages'; I'll give a try to the easy_install with
them, thank you).

While speaking of psycopg2, I spent a ridiculous amount of time
struggling with postgresql installation on Windows to finally discover
that you should stick to ASCII for the password chosen on this platform.
(Yes, I missed some warning).

You can use virtualenvwrapper-win on Windows. The documentation is short
and efficient but here is some basic steps, begining from install:

     pip install -U virtualenv
     pip install -U virtualenvwrapper-win

You have to set WORKON_HOME environment variable to to directory where
will be grouped your virtualenvs to make it convenient.

Update pip and setuptools:

     easy_install -U pip
     pip install -U setuptools

Then, create your virtualenv:

     mkvirtualenv myproject

Activate the virtualenv (you will then be on %WORKON_HOME%/myproject/):

     workon myproject

I keep projects in their own directory independant from virtualenv. To
add your project directory to its virualenv's pythonpath, use the
following command where <path> can be full or relative:

     setprojectdir <path>

Now, install your requirements:

     pip install -r requirements.txt

You can use cdproject and cdvirtualenv commands to go to project and
virtualenv directories.

To go back to the 'general' environment, just type:


Additional details you probably already know: remember to not rely on
the registry to execute your python scripts :) for example:

     python manage.py runserver

and not:

     manage.py runserver

Edit you virtualenv's Script\activate.bat to add any other specific
environment variables and don't forget .pth files for specific python path.

That's all for today!


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