Does it have anything to do with the related name of animal being `+`? I 
can't test this out just yet, but I don't THINK you can have a related_name 
as just `+`, I believe it needs to be a valid identifier.

On Wednesday, 15 January 2014 03:26:12 UTC+11, Drew Ferguson wrote:
> Hi 
> Django 1.5 
> I have a model which includes a ForeignKey field defined likes this 
> class Document(models.Model): 
>   name = models.CharField(max_length=25, unique=True, 
>         null=False,blank=False) 
>   target = models.CharField(max_length=12, 
>         choices=TARGETS,default='report') 
>   content = models.TextField(null=False, blank=False) 
>   fieldlist = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) 
>   multitarget = models.BooleanField(default=True, null=False,blank=False) 
>   template = models.ForeignKey('Template',null=True,blank=True, 
>         related_name='documents') 
>   animal = models.ForeignKey('Animal',null=True,blank=True, 
>         related_name='+') 
> the Animal table is quite large (>3000 records) 
> When a form template is called, there are no input fields rendered, just a 
> "save" button 
> If the Animal field is suppressed in the form with 
>     class Meta(object): 
>         model = Document 
>         exclude = ['animal',] 
> the form renders correctly with appropriate input fields 
> Could someone suggest how to track down what is causing the problem with 
> the Animal selector when it is being generated? Is there a data issue 
> perhaps? 
> Thanks 
> -- 
> Drew 

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