On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 08:58:39 -0800 (PST)
Mario Osorio <nimbiot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My app will have to communicate different customers (Linux devices, Windoze 
> devices, iOS devices and Android devices at least).
> Overall, any of these customer devices will start one of many processes and 
> some of the other devices are required to respond by letting their users 
> know about the just initialized event. The original event might in turn 
> start related events with more or less the same behavior.
> I will be using email and SMS as 'secondary weapons', but I need some sort 
> of real time communications protocol as primary so whatever devices that 
> are connected and need, will be notified immediately. (I'm not sure I'm 
> making much sense at this point)
> What communications protocol can I use so that it:
>    - offers real time response
>    - is as simple as possible
>    - works in as many different customers as possible
> Thanks a lot in advanced!

A bit of a late suggestion, and I'm not sure if it will cover all of
your requirements above, but have you considered using XMPP? You could
even use it for "offline" delivery (i.e. the messages are stored on the
server until client connects).

When it comes down to its complexity, I'd say it's not really an option
if you don't have existing libraries for all the platforms you need,
though. Python has a couple of neat (client) implementations that are
easy to use, of course.

Best regards

Branko Majic
Jabber: bra...@majic.rs
Please use only Free formats when sending attachments to me.

Бранко Мајић
Џабер: bra...@majic.rs
Молим вас да додатке шаљете искључиво у слободним форматима.

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