That would definitely work.
I guess it's missing from the 
 only 'xml', 'json', and 'yaml' formats are documented. The 'python' 
serialization format was documented until version 1.1, but then removed, 
although it is still 
of 1.6.

On Sunday, November 3, 2013 3:11:14 PM UTC-5, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Sunday, 3 November 2013 18:09:49 UTC, Leon Sasson wrote:
>> Django serializer works really well when you need to serialize a 
>> QuerySet, but often times I need to serialize a JSON object with more than 
>> just a QuerySet.
>> This leads me to serialize the QuerySet, and then load it again to a 
>> python dict and then serialize it again. Like this:
>> peopleJSON = serializers.serialize("json", people_queryset)
>> people_dict = simplejson.loads(peopleJSON )
>> json = simplejson.dumps({'foo': foo, 'people':people_dict})
>> A better way would be:
>> data = {'foo':foo, 'people':people_queryset}
>> json = serializers.serialize("json", data)
>> Is there a reason not to allow this behavior? I can't think of one.
> You can pretty much get what you want already by using the `python` 
> serializer and then dumping the whole load to JSON:
>     qs = serializers.serialize("python", people_queryset)
>     json = simplejson.dumps({"foo": foo, "people": qs})
> --
> DR. 

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