Thanks airstrike I will check out your suggestions and study it.

Also, is there a reason why you're not using class based views?

Well as a newbie programmer I started out following the Django polls 
tutorial writing my views using CBVs.  But then when I had trouble doing 
things with my database and sending my database data through the Views and 
to the Template pages, since I'm not very familiar with MVC coding.
Explaining my MVC problems was very difficult and it took months before I 
could get any helpful hints, and when I did get help the CBV related help 
was too complicated for me to understand and study.

So after 6 months of trying to work with MVC, I signed up for a local 
Django meeting in real life.  There I grabbed a person who has 
worked with Django professionally most of their life and showed him my 
Django polls code project.

Explaining my problems was very difficult because CBVs confuse me so much.  
I find it hard to see what is going on under the hood.
Then when I saw how this Django professional had a hard time untangling my 
View code.  Also he said using CBVs is the preferred way but writing 
function based Views is simpler to follow.

I then decided to get rid of all my CBVs and write function based Views 
only.  Suddenly the time it takes for me to explain my MVC problems and get 
help went down from months to only days. :)

On an academic level I realize using CBVs is the most efficient way but 
being a total Framework beginner I'm having trouble seeing the real 
practical advantage of using CBVs compared to simple function based Views.  
The function based Views looks more cleaner and lighter to my eyes compared 
to CBV code and I find it easier to follow what is going on, less magic 
going on under the hood.

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:29:24 PM UTC+1, Pepsodent Cola wrote:
> 1.)
> How do I use mathematical calculations on my forloop Article/Publication 
> list?
> * I have attached a screenshot with the table field that I'm working on 
> *"Publicists 
> coverage (%)"*.
> * Admin user/pass = joe/joe
> * I have also attached my project files so that you can see things for 
> yourselves.
> 2.)
> Is the solution I'm working with in "Index View page" the correct practice 
> to do my mathematical calculations?
> #_______________________________________________________________________________
> def index(request):
>     publications = Publication.objects.all()
>     # sum_publications = Publication.objects.filter(article__pk=1).count()
>     articles = 
> Article.objects.all().annotate(num_publications=Count('publications'))
> *    #articles_int = int(articles)*
> *    sum_publicists = Publication.objects.all().count()*
> *    #publicists_coverage = articles/sum_publicists*
> #    context = {'publications':publications, 
> 'sum_publicists':sum_publicists,
> #               'publicists_coverage':publicists_coverage, 
> 'articles':articles}
>     context = {'publications':publications, 
> 'sum_publicists':sum_publicists,
>                'articles':articles}
>     return render(request, 'magazine/index.html', context)
> #_______________________________________________________________________________
> <article>
>     <h1>How many Publications was each Article in?</h1>
> {% if articles %}
>     <table border="1">
>     <tr>
>         <th>Article id</th>
>         <th>Article</th>
>         <th>Publication</th>
> *        <th>Publicists coverage (%)</th>*
>     </tr>
>     {% for row in articles %}
>     <tr>
>         <td>{{ 
>         <td>{{ row.headline }}</td>
>         <td>{{ row.num_publications }}</td>
>         <td>(*{{ row.num_publications }} / {{ sum_publicists }}*) = x 
> %</td>
>     </tr>
>     {% endfor %}
>     </table>
> {% else %}
>     <p>No Articles are available.</p>
> {% endif %}
>     <hr>
> </article>
> #_______________________________________________________________________________
> 3.)
> When I try to convert articles object into int it doesn't work.  Am I 
> going the wrong direction when thinking about solving things like this?
> Exception Type: TypeError
> Exception Value: *int() argument must be a string or a number, not 
> 'QuerySet'*
> Exception Location: /home/linux/Django/ManyToMany/magazine/ in 
> index, line 17
> >>> articles = 
> Article.objects.all().annotate(num_publications=Count('publications'))
> >>> type(articles)
> <class 'django.db.models.query.QuerySet'>
> >>> 
> >>> *articles_int = int(articles)*
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'QuerySet'
> >>> 

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