On Thursday, November 14, 2013 2:17:43 PM UTC+2, Phoebe Bright wrote:
> After a long time trying to create a simple version that would replicate 
> the error, and failing, I've tracked it through the original code.
> Line 1140 in django/db/models/sql/query.py in function build_filter
>         if current_negated and (lookup_type != 'isnull' or value is False):
>             self.promote_joins(join_list)
>             if (lookup_type != 'isnull' and (
>                     self.is_nullable(targets[0]) or
>                     self.alias_map[join_list[-1]].join_type == 
> self.LOUTER)):
>                 # The condition added here will be SQL like this:
>                 # NOT (col IS NOT NULL), where the first NOT is added in
>                 # upper layers of code. The reason for addition is that if 
> col
>                 # is null, then col != someval will result in SQL "unknown"
>                 # which isn't the same as in Python. The Python None 
> handling
>                 # is wanted, and it can be gotten by
>                 # (col IS NULL OR col != someval)
>                 #   <=>
>                 # NOT (col IS NOT NULL AND col = someval).
>                 clause.add((Constraint(alias, targets[0].column, None), 
> 'isnull', False), AND)  <---- this is adding the spurious clause
> This is django version 1.6 and happens using both the original Q version 
> and using your suggested .exclude version.  
> Having found it I'm still not sure what it means or how to avoid it being 
> triggered!
> Any suggestions?
I believe the query is actually correct. The idea is that 
.exclude(condition) produces complement of .filter(condition). The simplest 
example I can generate is using raw SQL on PostgreSQL:
akaariai=# create temp table foo(id integer);
akaariai=# insert into foo values(null);
-- What .filter(id__in=[1, 2, 3]) will do:
akaariai=# select * from foo where id in (1, 2, 3);
(0 rows)

-- If the  "id is not null" condition isn't there
akaariai=# select * from foo where not (id in (1, 2, 3));
(0 rows)

-- Note: we get still zero rows while we should get the complement, that is 
one row.
-- Add in the id is not null condition
akaariai=# select * from foo where not (id in (1, 2, 3) and id is not null);
(1 row)
-- Now we got the complement of the .filter() query.

The problem comes from this feature in SQL:
  NULL in (1, 2, 3) => unknown
  NOT (NULL in (1, 2, 3)) => unknown
so, NOT (condition) doesn't produce complement of (condition) in SQL! To 
avoid that problem we have to add the AND id IS NOT NULL into the condition.

 - Anssi

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