On Saturday, November 9, 2013 9:28:01 AM UTC-8, Timothy W. Cook wrote:
> SOLVED (sort of). 
> On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 2:56 PM, donarb <don...@nwlink.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > If the user is a manager, you should be able to just test for membership 
> in 
> > the list: 
> > 
> > {% if user in mgr_list %} 
> This made perfect sense after I realized that I was looking at a list 
> of objects and not just the email string returned from the model. But, 
> it didn't work. 
> > Another option would be to have a property such as "is_manager' and test 
> for 
> > that in the template. 
> > 
> I thought about this but I also need to see if the manager status has 
> expired. So I solved it in this way, though it may not be the most 
> efficient. 
> The view now creates an actual list of email addresses of users with 
> active manager status. 
> class IndexView(TemplateView): 
>     template_name = 'index.html' 
>     def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): 
>         context = super(IndexView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) 
>         mlist = [] 
>         for x in Manager.objects.all(): 
>             if x.expires >= now(): 
>                 print(x.expires) 
>                 mlist.append(x.user.email) 
>         context['mgr_list'] = mlist 
>         return context 
> Is there a better way?  Will this be particularly slow if I have 1,000 
> managers? 
> Thanks, 
> Tim 

The better way is to use the database to find the values, rather than doing 
it in Python. Off the top of my head, I'd do something like this:

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    context = super(IndexView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
    # Get all active managers from the database
    q = Manager.objects.filter(expires__gte=now())
    # Create a list of all of their email addresses, the values() and 
values_list() methods
    # can pull out just the fields you want - 'flat' creates a list rather 
than a dict or tuple
    mlist = q.values_list('user__email', flat=True)
    context['mgr_list'] = mlist
    return context

As I said, I haven't tested this and I may be buggy, but you should be able 
to get the idea.

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