the trick is to add supervisor command that specifically tells the program to NOT daemonize
command = /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -i /path/to/config.ini
autorestart = True
user = your_user

your standard uwsgi config, but NO daemonize=logfile path

that works perfectly

I'm reloading all the time ..
That means that you need to reload for every change in the code 
source, doesn't it ?
There's no over way ?

Exactly, the uwsgi has no idea that you edited .py files, you need to reload it. although there is some feature like the django server of autoreload, but just to be safe, you should reload the uwsgi processes by hand. I think I even saw some plugin for supervisor that does this automatically, but I'm not sure...
Hoewer on a different note, you should have your dev code separated 
from production, so you don't change it that often that it would 
bother you to reload it :)
Actually it didn't work for me : all my troubles remained the same.

I found another software in the repositories : monit. It works (well I managed to make it work..) and I can even monitor CPU load with it. But I didn't see anyone
use it in a django stack, do you know why ?

Thanks anyway

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“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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