Tom, thanks so much for the reply. . .Yes, that was a typo, it
    should've been "/articles" not "/article".

I know this is going to be a stupid question, but why do my "urlconf" paths need to have "/articles"
in it as you said?
There are three steps in the interpretation of the pattern.
1) If the pattern starts with "/articles", try matching within your "urlconf" file. 2) If the remaining portion of the url matches a pattern in the "urlconf" file, stop there. 3) If the remaining portion does not match in the "urlconf" file, keep looking farther down your main url file.

If you don't want the /articles prefix in your paths, write your patterns more explicitly at the top level.

It *is* pretty typical to have separate apps have distinct prefixes in their URL paths.


                              - Tom

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