Patrick if you want to show us your code use:

2013/8/26 Ramiro Morales <>

> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Patrick Larmann
> <> wrote:
> > Hello guys I am following the django docs tutorial part 1 and am having
> > trouble moving on. Instead of receiving [<Poll: What's up?>] i get
> [<Poll:
> > Poll object>]. I have tried converting the unicode to str but to no
> avail. I
> > am just trying to move on. THx guys.
> This is the third post in which you've posted screen shots of the errors
> you get.
> Please don't do that. Copy and paste the error text including the traceback
> i.e. the content if the lower panel in you IDE.
> In this particular case you've attached a file named 'python
>' but with contents
> that seem to be a PNG file. And I can't open it (the image viewer
> reports it is corrupt).
> Also, make sur you report the versions of Django and Python you are using.
> --
> Ramiro Morales
> @ramiromorales
> --
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I'm a rocker
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