I design a model structure to persist restrictions to a selectable category
(i dont say that its ok... its for shore that can do a lot of
improvements), and make a module to admin categories with that if i choose
some category to my contact first i check if i really can add that category
to my contact in base of a restriction model.

Let me give you an example... think in contact of a enterprise... supliers,
customers, employees... if a contact have employees category he cant have a
suplier category too

The model its something like this:

Id_category (PK)

Id_CategoryParent (PK)
Id_Category (fk to Categories.Id_Category)
Id_Parent (fk to Categories.Id_Category)

Restriction (choice of Y or N)*
*if choose 'Y' means that your entity must already has added a
id_categoryRestricted to permit choose id_categoryChoosed
*if choose 'N' means that if your entity has id_CategoryRestricted added
you can permit add id_categoryChoosed

Relationships (or use choice of 'and', 'or, 'xor', etc)
Id_Relationship (PK)

Id_Groups (PK)
Id_Relationship (fk to Relationships.Id_Relationship)

Id_CategoryGroup (PK)
Id_Category (fk to Categories.Id_Category)
Id_Group (fk to Groups.Id_Groups)

Id_Group1 (fk to Groups.Id_Groups)
Id_Group2 (fk to Groups.Id_Groups)
Id_Relationship (fk to Relationships.Id_Relationship)

With this you can add categories, group them and make groups of groups. The
elements of a group can have restrictions between them for example the
categories of some group can have an xor relation, so only one of them can
be choosed for a entity.
When you choose a Category for your entity first make a check if have some
restritction if pass every test then you make add that category.

first check for Categories_Restrictions
then check for groups restrictions
then check for intergroups restrictions

its complicated, i know, also i know that can be better than that... its my
little help :P

See ya (sorry my bad english too)

2013/8/21 Gerd Koetje <deonlinefotogr...@gmail.com>

> i would vote for the m2m model, but i think i loose it there a bit
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