On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Jairo Alonso Velásquez
<jairoalons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Problem is due to a bug on Django or Python, You should to set DEBUG = True
> in settings.py And problem gone.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=962223
> Hope this helps others.

No, when DEBUG is False, Django does not serve or do anything with
your static files.

You are expected to run "collectstatic" command to collect your static
files in to the folder indicated by settings.STATIC_ROOT, which is
then expected to be made available by you at the URL indicated by
settings.STATIC_URL, ie not using django at all.

This is documented fully in the section of the docs "Deploying static files":

The basic outline of putting static files into production is simple:
run the collectstatic command when static files change, then arrange
for the collected static files directory (STATIC_ROOT) to be moved to
the static file server and served. Depending on STATICFILES_STORAGE,
files may need to be moved to a new location manually or the
post_process method of the Storage class might take care of that.


This is not a bug, this is how it is supposed to work.



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