Dear Malcolm thanks a lot
I found this in webpy for generating cheetah templates by default
I call

Can you tell me where I can use this in Django or what part of django i
need to use.
As you can see I m fairly a newbie


1675     def render(template, terms=None, asTemplate=False, base=None,
1676            isString=False):
1677     """
1678     Renders a template, caching where it can.
1680     `template` is the name of a file containing the a template in
1681     the `templates/` folder, unless `isString`, in which case it's
1682     template itself.
1684     `terms` is a dictionary used to fill the template. If it's
None, then
1685     the caller's local variables are used instead, plus context,
if it's not
1686     already set, is set to `context`.
1688     If asTemplate is False, it `output`s the template directly.
1689     it returns the template object.
1691     If the template is a potential base template (that is,
something other templates)
1692     can extend, then base should be a string with the name of the
template. The
1693     template will be cached and made available for future calls to
1695     Requires [Cheetah](
1696     """
1697     # terms=['var1', 'var2'] means grab those variables
1698     if isinstance(terms, list):
1699         new = {}
1700         old = upvars()
1701         for k in terms:
1702             new[k] = old[k]
1703         terms = new
1704     # default: grab all locals
1705     elif terms is None:
1706         terms = {'context': context, 'ctx':ctx}
1707         terms.update(sys._getframe(1).f_locals)
1708     # terms=d means use d as the searchList
1709     if not isinstance(terms, tuple):
1710         terms = (terms,)
1712     if not isString and template.endswith('.html'):
1713         header('Content-Type','text/html; charset=utf-8',
1715     compiled_tmpl = _compiletemplate(template, base=base,
1716     compiled_tmpl = compiled_tmpl(searchList=terms,
1717     if asTemplate:
1718         return compiled_tmpl
1719     else:
1720         return output(str(compiled_tmpl))
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-09-30 at 09:42 +0000, anil wrote:
> >  import and use Cheetah's
> > > template-loading and rendering functions instead of Django's.
> > can you give me an example of how to do this
> The Cheetah website gives a simple example of how to produce output from
> Cheetah templates ([1]). In Django, you collect the data you want to put
> into your output in the normal fashion and then instead of calling
> render_to_response() creating a Django template, you create a Cheetah
> template and extract the string representation from that, just as in
> their example. Then you pass that string to an HttpReponse object in
> Django (see [2] and [3], replacing the Django templates with your
> Cheetah output instead).
> In short, everywhere you would normally pass in the result of rendering
> a Django template, you instead pass in the result of rendering a Cheetah
> template. You won't be able to use the render_to_response() shortcut,
> since that uses the Django template system, but it is only, after all, a
> shortcut, so writing your own version that uses Cheetah templates would
> be a matter of two or three lines of code.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Best wishes,
> Malcolm

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