Hi Tom,

thank you very much for your reply!

Am 25.07.2013 12:17, schrieb Tom Evans:
Isn't this to be expected? You've asked Django to OR the querysets.
This means that you are looking for tuples from STAFF where either the
join+conditions to ERFASST match or the join+conditions to
STAFF_BEREICHE match. If these joins were performed with an INNER
JOIN, then the query would only include tuples from STAFF that match
both joins and conditions.

Well, I must foreclose that I'm by no means an SQL expert, and rather consider myself as a beginner -- but won't the joins augment the STAFF table independently of each other?

That is, if I understand things correctly, the join types INNER vs. LEFT OUTER are mostly about the handling of NULL values on the "other" side of the relation, but as only non-NULL values are involved here, I'd expect a query to provide the same augmented table no matter if INNER or LEFT OUTER joins are used.

(And vice versa, as the corresponding Django foreign key fields are defined as non-NULL, too, I thought that Django would use INNER joins in the first place.)

The OR in the WHERE clause then acts "independently" on the resulting augmented table.

When I try this experimentally with the queries Q_a and Q_b from my original post, where Q_a and Q_b yield different result tuples, e.g.

    A B C D E

for Q_a and

          D E F G

for Q_b, then *both* the query Q_a_or_b with the original LEFT OUTER joins, as well as an edited query where INNER join is used instead, yield the same result tuple set

    A B C D E F G

Or is my understanding of SQL basics that wrong?

Best regards,

Dipl.-Inf. Carsten Fuchs

Carsten Fuchs Software
Industriegebiet 3, c/o Rofu, 55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach, Germany
Internet: http://www.cafu.de | E-Mail: i...@cafu.de

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