Sorry. I should have typed the ID as lower case id in

 {% if user.Family. <>id =<>
id %}

On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 3:28:52 PM UTC-4, Chris Ryan wrote:
> Thank you so much for the reply and help. I am not stuck with this 
> database format and can change it as necessary. I will modify it as you 
> suggested (let Django create the primary key, remove the ID suffix from the 
> column names, etc.).     I will then look for the managers as you suggested.
> I did find a solution to what I was trying doing.  I was reading through 
> the Python documentation and then through the Django documentation (for the 
> up-teenth time) and discovered that I can "move backward" through the 
> relationship chain easily (I'm still not sure what the proper phrase is for 
> what I'm trying to do). For example, I can display the Family.Name by 
> simply doing something like this:
> {{ object.TeacherID.ID.FamilyID }}
> So, now I can do something like this:
> {% if user.FamilyID = object.TeacherID.ID.FamilyID %}
> Or, after making the changes that you suggested I can do this (and use the 
> actual ID numbers for comparison)
>  {% if user.Family.ID = object.Teacher.ID.Family.ID %}
> Thank you again for the information that you provided. It will greatly 
> help me move forward from here.
> -Chris
> On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 2:51:43 PM UTC-4, ke1g wrote:
>> First, is this a pre-existing data base whose format you are stuck with?
>> While your models probably can be made to work, it is more common to let 
>> Django take care of creating a single primary key in a model (called "id" 
>> (lower case) by default).
>> Also, while ForeignKey fields are implemented by storing the primary key 
>> value of the desired row in the other table, that, too, is intended to be 
>> hidden, so when you make a reference through a ForeignKey field, the ORM 
>> actually hands you an instance of the foreign Model, not the id.  That is:
>>     instanceOfCourseCatalog.TeacherID
>> is an instance of Teacher, not the TeacherID of a teacher.  To get the id 
>> integer, for those very rare cases in which it is valuable, you woudl use:
>>     instanceOfCourseCatalog.TeacherID.TeacherID
>> If you go the normal way and let Django create the primary key fields by 
>> the default name "id", and if, to better describe what is happening, 
>> removed the "ID from the end of your ForeignKey field names and, also a 
>> convention, made them lowercase, the lines above lines would become, 
>> respectively:
>>    instanceOfCourseCatalog.teacher
>> and
>> In this case Django would have added a "manager" to the Teacher model 
>> called "coursecatalog_set" (or just possibly "course_catalog_set", not 
>> certain and don't have time to search the documents now), but whose name 
>> your can specify with the "related_name" argument to the ForeignKey field.  
>> This manager has all the usual queryset methods, so you can append ".all()' 
>> to get an array of all the CourseCatalog objects with that Teacher.  See 
>> Bill
>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Chris Ryan <>wrote:
>>> I have spent hours trying to find the answer to this. What makes it even 
>>> more frustrating is that I'm new to django development and not a real 
>>> programmer by trade (I am a UNIX admin) so I am struggling to label what I 
>>> am trying to do so that I can search for an answer.
>>> Here's what I have:
>>> In my file I have the following class definitions:
>>> class Family(models.Model):
>>> ...
>>> FamilyID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
>>> Name = models.CharField(verbose_name="Family Name")
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> class FamilyMember(AbstractUser):
>>> ....
>>> ID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
>>> FamilyID = models.ForeignKey(Family, blank=True, null=True)
>>> ...
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> class Teacher(models.Model):
>>> ...
>>> TeacherID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
>>> ID = models.OneToOneField(FamilyMember)
>>> ...
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> class CourseCatalog(models.Model):
>>> ...
>>> TeacherID = models.ForeignKey(Teacher, blank=True, null=True)
>>> ...
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> So, there is a table called Family that I belong to. It holds my family 
>>> name and a couple of other fields.   
>>> There is then a one-to-many relationship from that to the FamilyMember 
>>> table. In this table I have a record for each member of my family.   
>>> The FamilyMember table is also being used as the authentication table 
>>> for my site. I have not replaced the default security model but only 
>>> abstracted it and added additional fields.
>>> I am a teacher so there is also a record in the Teacher table.  This 
>>> table contains the FamilyMember.ID field.
>>> That's the setup for me. My main information is in the FamilyMember 
>>> table and my FamilyMember.ID field is stored in the Family and the Teacher 
>>> tables.
>>> On to the list of classes...
>>> There is a table called CourseCatalog that contains information about a 
>>> class that I will teach. One of the columns is called TeacherID and this 
>>> stores the TeacherID from the Teacher table.   I set it up this way so that 
>>> an admin can add a class and then assign it only to a teacher. The drop 
>>> down list should not include FamilyMembers that are not teachers.
>>> Here are my questions and problems:
>>> -   I want to log into the website as myself and modify only my classes. 
>>> It would also be OK to modify the classes of everyone in my family. Either 
>>> solution would be fine.  However, I can't figure out how to do either of 
>>> these things. 
>>> -   It seems to me that what I'm doing is trying to go backwards in the 
>>> relationship chain. I have my CourseCatalog record that includes the 
>>> TeacherID. I need to look that ID up in the Teacher table to get the 
>>> FamilyMember.ID. I then need to use that to look up the record in the 
>>> FamilyMember table. Once I have that, I can get the username and compare it 
>>> to the username of the logged in user (me).   Finally, I can filter on 
>>> records where these two match.  
>>> -   I'm wondering if I have architected my database wrong. Is there an 
>>> easier way to do this? Maybe I should get rid of the Teacher table and just 
>>> use a boolean for teacher in the FamilyMember table. The concern that I 
>>> have with this is when I start working on the Student table. I need to 
>>> store more information about a student (allergy, emergency contacts, etc) 
>>> and don't think it is appropriate to add those fields to the FamilyMember 
>>> table because they are only used for students.
>>> -  I'm asking for you experts to help guide me through this. Any advice 
>>> is greatly appreciated.
>>>  -- 
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