On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:18:54 -0700 Jon Dufresne
<jon.dufre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Arnold Krille <arn...@arnoldarts.de>
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:22:36 -0700 Jon Dufresne
> > <jon.dufre...@gmail.com> wrote:The standard-way depende on your
> > views:
> >  - If its function-based views, use the @login_required-decorator.
> >  - For class-based views we use the LoginRequiredMixin from
> >    django-braces.
> This is a whitelist approach to the problem. That is, I must specify
> every view that requires login. As nearly 99% of my views will require
> authentication, I'd prefer to take a blacklist approach. That is, all
> views are assumed to require login, unless I annotate the views to
> not require a login. This avoids accidentally leaving views publicly
> accessible when someone forgets the login_required decorator (or CBV
> equivalent).
> I can achieve this with middleware (and maybe a decorator), but it
> occurred to me that others probably already do this as well. I am
> curious if there is a canonical approach or implementation that
> others use for this very purpose.

There was a thread a view days ago listing the blacklist-approach.

Still interesting that you need authentication while not needing any


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