Would my entire site be one project, with apps for programming projects,
writings/recordings, and ecommerce?
I suggest to you must think an apps like independents projects. An app can
to be cuted and pasted into other project and work just fine, with that you
can have an app to handle user accounts and do just that, then other to
handle products... and so on.

Should I use different projects? If I create a project and then later
decide I want to move it up a level, to the main website directory, can I
do that, or are there too many import statements I'd have to change?
If you think your project like diferents and independents apps (and maybe
one of then to glue the differents apps together) you can move it up quite
simple... Django was thought to be simple of upgrade. (for example, at
first you can put your projecto, database, statics, all together in one
server... then, if your traffic grow up you can have one server for Django,
other for Database, other for statics, other for mails, etc... if your
project need be new functionalities just make a new app o modify existents,
thats a design issue).

I know an app is portable and pluggable, but is a project?
NO, a project have settings.py when you create an app this dont have it.

What about subdomains - should one project run everything, or should each
subdomain have its own project, even if you have to copy apps?
I think Yes, and Yes. Its the same thing... you can have one subdomain for
run one big project, and can have lot of subdomains with his own project.

Sorry my bad english... hope to help you

2013/7/17 Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I currently have a boring, small, plain website to give the essential
> information about my business. I hope to add a projects section, to host
> programming projects I have done, a section for hosting
> articles/tutorials/recordings, and, eventually, an ecommerce system so i
> can charge for some of it. In the future, I also hope to have a remote
> instruction system using some sort of VOIP (I am a technology instructor),
> which will also be paid.
> So, what might my setup look like? Would my entire site be one project,
> with apps for programming projects, writings/recordings, and ecommerce?
> Should I use different projects? If I create a project and then later
> decide I want to move it up a level, to the main website directory, can I
> do that, or are there too many import statements I'd have to change? I know
> an app is portable and pluggable, but is a project? Are you only ever
> supposed to have a single project for a website? What about subdomains -
> should one project run everything, or should each subdomain have its own
> project, even if you have to copy apps? Sorry for all the questions, I just
> want to be sure I do it right before I actually begin developing anything.
> Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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