
This is the way I have it set up my osx

$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv --distribute pytho_projects
$ source python_projects/bin/activate
$ (python projects) pip install django
$ django-admin.py startproject myblog

and that should get you past that. using virtualenv just makes it a lot 
more clean and organized imo. Let me know if that helped you out some.

On Saturday, July 13, 2013 2:25:06 PM UTC-5, Kayode Alayode wrote:
> Yea I think they wanted you to add this "*django-admin.py 
> startproject mysite*"  at the cd commandpromopt I am stuck here as well 
> and don't really know how to proceed as well.
> On Monday, February 27, 2012 7:36:21 PM UTC-5, JChlipala wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> I am a Django beginner, and am trying to get Django set up in Mac OS 
>> X.  I am going through the tutorial, but getting stuck very early 
>> (essentially at the beginning).  I have installed Python and Django. 
>> The next instruction is to enter the command "django-admin.py 
>> startproject mysite".  When I do this, I get the following error: 
>> File "<stdin>", line 1 
>> django-admin.py startproject mysite 
>>                                         ^ 
>> SyntaxError:  invalid syntax 
>> Does anybody know why I am getting this error?  The tutorial has a 
>> note for Mac OS X users explaining what to do if you get a "permission 
>> denied" error, but that is obviously not what is happening to me. 
>> Thank you for any help!

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