For timestamp in int you should use time() from time package (not 
datetime.time). It return float number, but can be easy convert to int.

> Hello,
> I'm new to Django, and I have a question.
> I have a ImageField() in my model, and I obviously want that each image has
> a unique name in my filesystem. How to do this?
> My idea was to include the timestamp in the name of the image (I'll never
> have more than one image uploaded per second). So I coded something like
> this for the name of the uploaded image:
>      f, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
>      return "images/%d%s" % (, ext)
> But I get an error: "%d format: a number is required, not datetime.datetime"
> So my question is: how to get the timestamp of the current time as an
> integer?
> Thanks for your help!

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