I've heard great things about Django, but I've never really looked into it 
until now. I'm beginning to see how powerful yet simple it is.


On Sunday, June 9, 2013 4:27:08 PM UTC-7, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Ji H Park <jhp...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>wrote:
>> After going through the basic tutorials on django 1.5, I went on to the 
>> advanced tutorial on how to create reusable apps.
>> My OS is windows7 and I'm using virtualenv to create the virtual 
>> environments. I keep all the virtual environments for django in: 
>> C:\Users\light\django-projects
>> In the django-projects folder, I initially I ran the command: virtualenv 
>> --nosite-packages django-tutorial, then in that directory as suggested by 
>> the tutorial I created a django project called "mysite": 
>> C:\Users\light\django-projects\django-tutorial\Scripts\mysite
>> After going through the basics of the tutorial I had the poll app ready 
>> to be packaged as a resuable django app. Then I tried to install that app 
>> by following the instructions in "advanced tutorial on how to create 
>> reusable apps" tutorial.
>> The issue here is that when I run the command: setup.py install --user 
>> within "django-polls" app, polls app gets simply copied 
>> into: 
>> C:\Users\light\django-projects\django-tutorial\Scripts\django-polls\build\lib,
>> but I expected it to be copied into the mysite django project.
> It sounds like there has been some confusion here about the role of a 
> Django project, and how to use a virtualenv. 
> There's no formal connection between a Django project directory and a 
> virtualenv. 
> A virtualenv is just a way to isolate a particular running Python runtime 
> -- making sure that packages installed in one virtualenv don't affect 
> another virtualenv. When you install a package into a virtualenv, it is put 
> into the virtualenv's directory -- using the approach you've described, 
> that means it will be put in the Scripts directory of your virtrualenv. 
> A Django project is just a Python package. It holds no special 
> significance in the context of a virtualenv. 
> If your Django project uses another package (i.e., a reusable app), the 
> reusable app *doesn't* need to be "in" your Django project, in the sense of 
> being in the same directory. It just needs to be discoverable in the Python 
> environment -- and if you're using a virtualenv, that means being 
> discoverable inside your virtualenv. By installing the reusable app in your 
> virtualenv, you've met that requirement; if you start a Python shell, you 
> should find that you're able to import the packages of the reusable app. 
> In fact, it's a good idea to keep your reusable apps separate from your 
> own project code, so that it's easy to use version control. You only want 
> to track changes in your own code, not the code of other apps; other apps 
> are tracked using their own version numbering scheme.
> How would I setup virtualenv so that when I'm install a django resuable 
>> app, it will automatically be copied into the correct django project?
> This is something you *don't* want to do. Don't think of your Django 
> project as a directory containing all the code needed to run the project, 
> including a copy of all apps. Think of it as the glue code that is needed 
> to tie together all the reusable parts together. You don't need to have 
> everything in the same directory in order to glue them together.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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