I know the solution, this appear in the django documentation, but no resolv 
my problem.  I redefine "dispatch" function in Django 1.4.X, 

class MatterUpdateView( UpdateView ):
    template_name = 'object_add.html'
    success_url = '/manage_p1/list/'
    model = Matter
    form_class = MatterForm

    def dispatch( self, request, *args, **kwargs ):
        if not kwargs :            
                    kwargs['pk'] = request.GET.get('pk', '')
                    if not bool( kwargs['pk'] ):                
                        kwargs['pk'] = request.POST.get('pk', '')

This code resolve the problem, but dose not in Django 1.5, I not know what 
to change in this version.

El viernes, 7 de junio de 2013 13:02:54 UTC-5, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar 
>  I assume that MatterUpdateView is a subclass of the generic UpdateView 
> class. If so, that class expects an object pk (id) or slug to be included 
> as part of the URL pattern, and yours doesn't include either. Your URL 
> pattern should look something more like: r"^manage/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/"
> _Nik
> On 6/6/2013 10:16 PM, Ariel V. R. wrote:
> Code: 
> <form id="form-edit" action="/manage_p1/update/" method="get"  >
>       <input  id="input-pk" type="hidden" value="0" name="pk">            
> </form> 
> JS
> $('.icon-edit').click( function() {
>         $object_id = $(this).parents().eq(0).attr('id');
>         $('#form-edit #input-pk').attr('value', $object_id);
>         $('#form-edit').submit();
>     }) 
> ...
> url(r'^manage_p1/update/', MatterUpdateView.as_view()),  
> ...
> El jueves, 6 de junio de 2013 23:45:59 UTC-5, Ariel V. R. escribió: 
>> Hello:
>> I need to send data from html using javascript to UpdateView. Django 
>> sends me an error:  "Generic detail view MatterUpdateView must be called 
>> with either an object pk or a slug."
>> I think that the problem exists because the method as_view() does not 
>> receive the correct data.
>>  -- 
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