I can't work this one out. I have a blind spot. Any help appreciated.

My unit tests indicate a problem with the following method (is_current) on a model. Because I couldn't figure it out I instrumented with a whole mess of print statements. The problem occurs on the line with self.quality_tag. Note the print statement before and after ...

    def is_current(self):
        current = self.effective and self.effective <= when()
        print('\n%s %s - when = %s' %(current, self.effective, when()))

        print('\n%s - 1 quality_tag = %s' % (current, self.quality_tag))
        current = current and (self.quality_tag is None)
        print('\n%s - 2 quality_tag = %s' % (current, self.quality_tag))

        current = current and not self.withdrawn
        print('\n%s - withdrawn = %s' %(current, self.withdrawn))
        return current

Here is the unit test output ... which seems to indicate there is a bug in (my) boolean logic where (self.quality_tag is None) returns False instead of True when self.quality_tag really *is* None

True 2013-06-07 03:18:14.418000+00:00 - when = 2013-06-07 03:18:15.231000+00:00

True - 1 quality_tag = None

False - 2 quality_tag = None

False - withdrawn = False
FAIL: test_attach_current (items.tests.test_utils.TestAttach)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\users\miked\py\xxx_project\xxx\items\tests\test_utils.py", line 272, in test_attach_current
    self.assertEqual(obj.is_current(), True)
AssertionError: False != True


Windows XP
Python 2.7
Django 1.5



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