I wrote some code, but it returns doubled entries if there's no annotate:

price_variants = models.ManyToManyField(
        ProductPriceVariant, verbose_name=_(u'price variants'),
        limit_choices_to=Q(translation__language__iexact=get_language()[:2]) & 

On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:44:57 PM UTC+2, galgal wrote:
> Is it possible to put, somehow, *.annotate()* method into M2M *
> limit_choices_to*?
> I need to limit my choices to that query:
> *
> cls.objects.annotate(subproducts_num=models.Count('subproducts')).filter(subproducts_num__gt=0)
> *
> Any ideas?

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