I have the following code, in which the player have a reference to the club:
*class Club(mongoengine.Document):*
*    ClubName = StringField()*
*class Player(mongoengine.Document):*
*    PlayerName = StringField()*
*    PlayerAge = IntField()*
*    PlayerClub = fields.ListField(fields.ReferenceField(Club,*
*                        reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE, dbref=False))*
class PlayerResource(resources.MongoEngineResource):
    PlayerClub = fields.ReferencedListField(of='Rela.Resource.ClubResource',
         attribute='PlayerClub', full=True, null=True)
    class Meta:
        queryset = Player.objects.all()
        allowed_methods = ('get', 'post', 'put', 'delete')
        list_allowed_methods = ['get', 'post','put', 'delete']
        authorization = Authorization()
        resource_name = 'Player'
        filtering = {
            'PlayerClub': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS,
    def determine_format(self, request): 
        return "application/json"

But after the club to see which players have, I wanted to make a filter to 
the players at the club that selected id, I returned only players that 
club. But as I am doing, I do not return anything.

For in my json is as follows:

[{"PlayerAge": 23, "PlayerClub": [{"ClubName": "Benfica", "

id": "519dd7b28774a704d4a97748", "resource_uri": "/Rela/api/v1/Club/519dd7b28774

a704d4a97748"}], "PlayerName": "Luis", "id": "519dd7b98774a704d4a97749"}]

someone can help me how can I make the filter?

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