first parameter of render() function must be request...
try do it like this: 
   return render(request, "tree.html", {'annotated_list':annotated_list})
пятница, 17 мая 2013 г., 17:28:12 UTC+3 пользователь Cody Scott написал:
> I am categorizing models in a tree. The tree is created based on a string 
> of where the model falls in the tree. The tree will not change once it is 
> created.
> I tried using django-mptt with this code to create the tree.
> def add_new_nodes(category_string):
>     for category in category_string.split(','):
>         try:
>             root = Category.get_root()
>         except:
>             root = Category.objects.create(value='')
>         current_node = root
>         for step in category.split(':'):
>             added = False
>             for node in current_node.get_children().all():
>                 print node.value
>                 print step
>                 if node.value == step:
>                     added = True
>                     current_node = node
>                     break
>             if not added:
>                 new_node = Category.objects.create(value=step, 
> parent=current_node)
>                 current_node = new_node
> But it each time is creating a new branch from the root even with two 
> children of the root with the same name.
> Or at least that is what I get from
> {% load mptt_tags %}<ul>
>     {% recursetree nodes %}
>         <li>
>             {{ }}
>             {% if not node.is_leaf_node %}
>                 <ul class="children">
>                     {{ children }}
>                 </ul>
>             {% endif %}
>         </li>
>     {% endrecursetree %}</ul>
> So I am trying to use django-treebeard similarly but I am getting an error. 
> 'str' object has no attribute 'META'
> def tree(request):
>     try:
>         root = Category1.get_root_nodes()[0]
>     except:
>         root = Category1.add_root(value='')
>     annotated_list = root.get_annotated_list()
>     print annotated_list
>     return render("tree.html", {'annotated_list':annotated_list})
> {% for item, info in annotated_list %}
>     {% if %}
>         <ul><li>
>     {% else %}
>         </li><li>
>     {% endif %}
>     {{ item }}
>     {% for close in info.close %}
>         </li></ul>
>     {% endfor %}{% endfor %}
> But I get the error 'str' object has no attribute 'META'

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