In addition to installing PostgreSQL you must use tools that come with the
postgres installation to 1. create a database (a postgres installation has
more than one), 2 create a user (unrelated to user account on the operating
system) for django to use (though some people cheat and use the pre-defined
"postgres" user), 3 set its password, and 4. grant it at least table
creation permissions on the database you created.  If you want to connect
to the database from other than the local machine, you will need to play
with a configuration file (hba_conf, if memory serves).  pgadmin3, by the
way, is a very useful tool that requires separate installation.  There are
postgres tutorials on the web, and the postgres on line documentation is
very good.  I think that there is at least one page in the django documents
that details one sequence of commands for setting up an installed postgres
for django.

 You will also need the python package psycopg2, elect to use it in, and, also in, specify your database, database
user, and password.

But you don't have to do that all at once.  Learning about django with
sqlite (included in modern pythons) won't leave you surprised when you
start using postgres.  (Though if you start to put significant, that is,
not just for test, content in your site it is time to move, since
transferring content between them is not trivial.  It's a useful skill, but
you will have enough on your plate.)

It seems that some people successfully develop django sites without a
significant understanding of python.  But I would advise learning python as
well and as soon as you can.  It will be valuable to you even if you stop
using django.  (My current job has me working with tornado and the Apache
Qpid implementation of AMQP, but I still do mostly python.)  You may
already be aware of these, but I'd like to offer two starter tips for those
coming to python from other languages:

  1. In most languages, including C++, a variable is a named piece of
storage.  When you assign to it, the value is copied into that storage.
The storage has to be the right size to hold whatever you are storing (so
the variable must be declared with a type).  The declaration also tells the
compiler how to interpret the collection of bits in that storage.  In
python, those things that look like variables all hold only (extended types
of) references.  The "objects" referred to all have self evident types
(that is, if you have one, you can tell what type it is), which is why
declarations are unnecessary, and a "variable" can hold any type.
Assignment copies only the reference.

 2. To edit python use an editor that is aware of, or has been configured
for, python.  No end of frustration results from editors using the ASCII
tab character (as distinct from the Tab key on the keyboard) for
indentation.  Since indentation is significant in python, it is vital that
the indentation looks the same to you (and others) exactly how python will
interpret it.  While python can deal with tab characters, and can even be
told to interpret them as other than moving to the next multiple of 8
columns, someone else's editor, or printer output, etc., may display them
differently.  So it is safest if your editor interprets the Tab key as
meaning that it should insert the correct number of spaces.  Any IDE
claiming to support python should do this.  Many python installations come
with IDLE, or it can be added, and its editor gets this right.  vi or vim
can be configure this way.  Modern emacs (my choice) versions come with a
python mode, and it can be added to older ones.  Editors that don't think
of themselves as being for programmers (notepad, wordpad, etc.) are not
likely to even be able to be configured to do this right (fortunately many
of the previously mentioned winners are free open source tools).

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 1:16 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to building web applications, django, backend work, etc... I have
> experience in C++ up to A.P. computer science level if that means anything
> and I'm beginning to get a grasp on the python language. I've done all of
> the exercises on code academy and have watched fairly a lot of videos on
> building with django and python. I have somewhat of a grasp on the overall
> design of files in the terminal that are involved (,,
> etc...). I've been following
> My question is It was
> suggested by this free online open source book to install postgresql, so I
> did but I had no idea how to use it and kind of gave up on it and setting
> up the backend. Can anyone suggest a resource a book perhaps that can guide
> me in the right direction or just give some friendly advice. My goal by the
> end of the summer is to be able to build a substantial dynamic web
> application with python in Django that will have the feel of a Khan Academy
> or code academy (a dynamic website that is able to hold lots of content and
> have a user-interface with accounts, logins, rewards systems and much more)
> and be launced on the web for the world to see and use. The only other true
> experience I have with web design is with static web pages and basic HTML
> and CSS. Yes, it is a big goal, but I think I can do it with the right
> amount of guidance. I have all summer to learn. Hell, you have to start
> somewhere right? All suggestions are welcome.
> Thanks.
> --
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