Hello, I'm not really an expert and everyone's configuration is different 
so rather than address your problem directly I'll provide a guide for how I 
got Postgres/Django to work together on Windows.

   1. Download the Postgres installer found 
   2. Install Postgres and create a password when prompted.
   3. Open the pgAdmin III tool and connect to your postgres server. (You 
   should be prompted for a password)
   4. Create a database (note the name you use)
   5. Modify your settings.py file to reflect these changes.

 My settings look like this:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'djangodev',  #Name of the Database you created previously
        'USER': 'postgres',   #Postgres username, the installer I used 
created the user postgres by default.
        'PASSWORD': '<PASSWORD>',  #Postgres password for the user above. 
(The one you created during setup)
        'HOST': '', #I'm using 'local host' so this is blank.
        'PORT': '5432', #I specified the port my local server is running 
on, I'm not sure if this was necessary

I'm not very familiar with postgres yet so I'm not certain if the name in 
your settings file is valid but I would guess 'mydb.db' is supposed to be 
the name of the database file that would be used by SQLite instead of the 
database name for a Postgres db. If you wanted to use SQLite you could 
create mydb.db in the same directory as your settings file (or somewhere 
else and modify the path) then remove the user/password setting. Hope that 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 1:47:42 PM UTC-7, ana...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am new to django.I am using eclipse IDE and my OS is windows 7.I am 
> trying to use postgre sql.When I try to type python manage.py sql 
> Mystudent where Mystudent is my app,It showsoperational 
> error:fe_sendauth: no password supplied.So when I entered user name astest 
> and 
> password as password it shows operational error:password authentication 
> failed for user 'test'.Please help me.My model and settings page is 
> attched this:I have just typed the database file in the settings page.IU 
> dont know whether it is created or not

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