On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:48 AM, Augusto Santos
<gutosantos.u...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have alredy read part of the tutorial at django's site and read a little
> bit of the documentation.

first of all, do the tutorial.  all of it.  if you get stuck at any
point, ask for help here.  but do it.

after that, it's good to read most of the docs too; but you can start
with whatever you're curious with.  it's also the point where other
books can help.  I haven't read any one beyond the DjangoBook, but
it's somewhat outdated.

then, you'll be mostly able to do whatever you want, and if you feel
you need any help, this is the place to ask.

but first do the tutorial.

>However, a friend of mine told me that the latest version of Django, that is
> 1.5.1, have little documentation, so I started using 1.4.5.

that's not completely true, if you go to the docs site and choose 1.5
you get the whole set of docs.  In fact, since Django has a very
strict forward compatibility policy, the docs for 1.5 are almost the
same as for 1.4 plus the extra parts, which are really well

the only sharp edges you could find in 1.5 are with regards to Python
3.3, which is supported but there's still not so much experience or
compatible packages as with 2.7

welcome to Django!


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