Django 1.5.1. I have a data model with a Django TextField: 
notes=models.TextField(db_column='notes',blank=True) and in thy MySQL the 
'notes' field is "TEXT".

When I output the 'notes' field in a Django Template in a for loop, the 
template just stops.  It does not go through the entire list of records. 
When I remove that field and output no fields that Django knows as 
"TextField" it works properly.  The database table now has only 25 records, 
but eventually there will be hundreds.  

What could be causing this?

Code below:  the first bit is just test block.  taking {{ s.notes }} out in 
either of the places makes it work ok. If {{ s.notes }} present in either 
place, fail.

{% for s in speaker_list %}
{{ }}, {{ s.lname }}, {{ s.targetseason.season }}, {{ s.affiliation 
}}, {{|date:"D d M Y" }} {{ s.notes }} <br>
{% endfor %}

<TD Align=left><b>ID</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Name</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Affiliation</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Title</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Contact(s)</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Target Season</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Target Meeting Type</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Target Meeting</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Status</b></TD>
<TD Align=left><b>Notes</b></TD>


{% for s in speaker_list %}
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.fname }} {{ s.lname }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.affiliation }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.jobtitle }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.contactname }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.targetseason.season }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.targetmtg.typemtg }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{|date:"D d M Y" }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.status.description }}</TD>
<TD Align=left vAlign=top>{{ s.notes }}</TD>

{% endfor %}


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