@ke1g also there are very high compliance standards in the UK. You have to 
be complaint or the merchants 
get on your case. 
you have to have port scans, SSL and some level of PCI DSS to take cards on 
your site with sagepay. 

just my 2p

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 1:15:17 PM UTC+1, ke1g wrote:
> An please, indicate on your site that the credit card number will go 
> through your site, so that I can know to never buy anything there.
> I suspect that I can count on my fingers and toes the number of web 
> developers in the world who have the knowledge, patience, and diligence to 
> securely handle credit card information.
> Services like Authorize.Net are the way to go.
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Mario Gudelj <mario....@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hey sparky,
>> I hope this helps:
>> Create your checkout form and if the form is valid populate the following 
>> dict with the form data:
>> data = {
>>                 'VPSProtocol': settings.VPS_PROTOCOL,
>>                 'TxType': settings.TXTYPE,
>>                 'VendorTxCode': 
>> b32encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes).strip('=').lower(),  # Generate a new 
>> transaction ID
>>                 'Vendor': settings.SAGEPAY_VENDOR,
>>                 'Amount': order.totalAmountAsString(),
>>                 'Currency': 'GBP',
>>                 'Description': 'BC Order ID: %s' % order.orderId,
>>                 'CardHolder': clean_checkout_form['card_name'],
>>                 'CardNumber': clean_checkout_form['card_number'],
>>                 'ExpiryDate': 
>> clean_checkout_form['card_expiry'].strftime('%m%y'),
>>                 'CV2': clean_checkout_form['card_CVV'],
>>                 'CardType': clean_checkout_form['card_type'],
>>                 'CustomerEMail': clean_checkout_form['email'].lower(),
>>                 'BillingSurname': clean_checkout_form['lastname'],  # 20 
>> Chars
>>                 'BillingFirstnames': clean_checkout_form['firstname'], # 
>> 20 Chars
>>                 'BillingAddress1': 
>> clean_checkout_form['billing_address'],  # Truncate to 100 Chars
>>                 'BillingCity': clean_checkout_form['billing_city'],  # 
>> Truncate to 40 Chars
>>                 'BillingPostCode': 
>> clean_checkout_form['billing_postcode'],  # Truncate to 10 Chars
>>                 'BillingCountry': clean_checkout_form['billing_country'], 
>>  # 2 letter country code
>>                 'DeliverySurname':  clean_checkout_form['lastname'],  # 
>> 20 Chars
>>                 'DeliveryFirstnames': clean_checkout_form['firstname'], 
>>  # 20 Chars
>>                 'DeliveryAddress1': 
>>  clean_checkout_form['shipping_address'],  # 100 Chars
>>                 'DeliveryCity': clean_checkout_form['shipping_city'], # 
>> 40 Chars
>>                 'DeliveryPostCode': 
>> clean_checkout_form['shipping_postcode'],  # 10 Chars
>>                 'DeliveryCountry': 
>> clean_checkout_form['shipping_country'],  # 2 letter country code
>>                 'CreateToken': 1
>>             }
>> Your field names will be different.
>> Encode it:
>> On 10 April 2013 02:27, sparky <cfsp...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> I want to use 
>>> django-sagepay<https://github.com/timetric/django-sagepay/tree/master/django_sagepay>.
>>> However, it doesn't  seem to have any examples or test.py that I can learn 
>>> from. being a newbie I need docs! 
>>> Does anyone know of any examples of use? I'm very familiar with sagepay, 
>>> just need to know how to implement this application into my app.
>>> For example, any app I can look at that makes use of this 
>>> django-sagepay<https://github.com/timetric/django-sagepay/tree/master/django_sagepay>
>>> ?
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