On Monday, April 8, 2013 12:22:34 PM UTC-4, Nora Olsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a new user to Django. 
> I'm trying to understand how does an UpdateView works when during a POST. 
> Is there some state carried between the GET and POST, because I don't see 
> the pk in the form. How does the form save() knows that it should be 
> updating instead of inserting?
> The reason I'm asking is because I am having trouble trying to save a 
> formset that is used in a view together with the main form. I posted the 
> question on stackoverflow: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15877199/using-formset-with-contenttype
> I am trying to save Item with multiple Pictures in a single form.
> I can easily save the item form in the Post method of the view but I can't 
> save the formsets without the pk. In my template, I have the following:
> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
> {% for field in form %}
>     # do something
> {% endfor %}
> {{ picture_formset.management_form }}
> {% for form in picture_formset.forms %}
>     # do something
> {% endfor %}
> <input  name="commit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
> </form>
> And my view:
>     class ItemUpdateView(UpdateView):
>     form_class = ItemCreateForm
>     template_name = 'item/new.html'
>     model = Item
>     success_url = '/items/'
>     def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
>         context = super(ItemUpdateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
>         item = context['object']
>         # Dont' create any extra forms when showing an update view
>         PictureFormSet = formset_factory(PictureForm, extra=0)
>         return {'form': kwargs['form'],
>                 'picture_formset': UploadFormSet(initial = [ 
> model_to_dict(a) for pic in item.pictures.all()])}
>     def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
>        self.object = self.get_object()
>        item_form = ItemCreateForm(request.POST, instance=self.object)
>        if item_form.is_valid():
>            item = item_form.save(commit=False)
>            item.save()
>            # How do I update the pictures? 
> I did manage to solve this by adding the pk as a HiddenWidget and 
> obtaining the Picture model before updating the keys/values and saving it.
> But I had to create 2 type of forms: with and without the pk for the 
> CreateView and UpdateView.
> Is this the correct approach? 

Hi Nora, the way it works is that it uses get_object() method to load the 
object; at the top of post() method,
it has the line: self.object = self.get_object().

If you need to use modelformset together with a form or modelform in one 
view, you might
want to look at my mcbv library; it has both a modelformset CBV and also 
allows to easily
combine different types of views together.

The portfolio tutorial has a good examples of doing just that: 

mcbv library itself currently lives here: https://github.com/akulakov/django


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