Thank you all for your prompt replies :)

> IIUC you can't return the query (as a python object) to the client. You must 
> convert the data on it to some format (json, xml, ...) that the client 
> understands. That will depend on the libraries that you use in the client 
> side.

So, if I don't use JSON as storage and only as a format to send data
to client ( All the parsing will be done client side ), is it better
than using {{ }}, {{ task.start_date }} ? ( Sorry to ask
this again, but i haven't got it )

> You almost certainly don't want to use JSON as your storage method.

What if all of my logic is on the client side, and I just send an
encoded JSON file to the server only for storage ? Your single model
option is looking better than this, but won't query time take longer
as the no. of users increase ? ( Sorry if this is abstract, but my
MySQL level is basic )

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 7:37 PM, Alan Johnson <> wrote:
> You almost certainly don't want to use JSON as your storage method. This is
> a database problem, and the Django ORM really shines at letting you solve it
> without having to think super hard about database modeling. You wouldn't
> create a table for each user's task list. You would create a model called
> Task, which is has a foreign key to your user model. The ORM then defines
> one table for all tasks for all users, and it's easy to get the tasks for a
> single user using the reverse relationship on the foreign key. You should
> really check out the Django project docs to sort through how this works.
> The alternative NoSQL approach would be to make the task list for each users
> a schemaless document in a system like MongoDB, but to my mind, a simple
> task list is a good problem for straightforward, relational Django.
> On Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:14:20 AM UTC-4, Parin Porecha wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just started using Django. I want to create a to-do task
>> manager application. Users would register, login and can work with
>> their tasks. So, instead of creating a table in the database for each
>> user, I want to create a JSON file for each user which will store all
>> his tasks.
>> Is there any way I can do this in Django ?
>> I mean, use the database only for authentication, and use JSON to
>> store data instead of storing it in the database.
>> Thanks,
>> Parin
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