HI Pankaj

Sincerest thanks for the link.
It could be exactly what I'm looking for!
Will have a proper look this weekend



On Thursday, March 28, 2013 1:33:11 PM UTC, Jonathan Harris wrote:
> Hi All
> New to Django and coding in general, so sorry if this has been covered - I 
> did search the group postings, have read the documentation, trawled the net 
> etc, but couldn't find anything directly relevant
> I have been following various tutorials (django homepage, youtube etc) for 
> how to start creating a blog site
> What I would like to do seems really simple, but I cannot find a solution
> Django 1.5 on Ubuntu Server 12.04LTS
> It uses Taggable Manager, so in models.py we see
> #models.py
> from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
> class Post(models.Model):
>     title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>     ....
>     tags = TaggableManager()
> #admin.py
> from blog.models import Post
> class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     fieldsets = [
>         ('Title',      {'fields': ['title']}),
>         ......
>         ('Tags',     {'fields': ['tags'], 'classes': ['collapse']}),
>     ]
> admin.site.register(Post, PostAdmin)
> ____
> This works fine
> What I would like to do is change the way that tags can be viewed and 
> selected in the admin site
> Currently, it is as a comma separated list
> I would like to pre-create the tags, then see them in a drop down, or 
> table, or similar, so that one or more may be selected
> The view I am looking to achieve would be as if 'filter_horizontal = 
> ['tags']' had been applied
> However, I cannot find a way to do it
> I have tried to give the tags a separate class, with a ManyToManyField 
> link into Post, but any tags that are created are not displayed - and this 
> is probably really not the right approach
> So is it possible to change the way that tags from TaggableManager is 
> displayed? Can it be as a selection box, or check boxes or anything else? 
> Or are we stuck with the list approach?
> Any advice would be gratefully received
> Many Thanks
> Jon

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