Hmm, I finally understand that now.

Tried with the shell and it gave me the super user needed for the 

Maybe a 'specific' create super command will be enough for me then.

Thank you!

Em segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013 23h50min24s UTC-3, Russell 
Keith-Magee escreveu:
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:49 AM, Gabriel Cavalcante <
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hello EveryBody,
>> I'm trying to implement a custom user model, using django 1.5 and the 
>> example available at:
>> For now, I'm able to create a super user based on my custom model only if 
>> it has none of ForeignKey or M2M modelfields. When I try to use a 
>> ForeignKey, for example, the following error occurs (obtained trough 
>> --traceback option of createsuperuser command):
>> In other way,  I can instantiate the class and it has the attribute 
>> "_state". Additionally, "_state.db" is None.
>> How can I fix this? I'm doing something wrong? 
> You're not doing something wrong per-se -- I think you're just doing 
> something that isn't exactly compatible with the createsuperuer management 
> command.
> I suspect you'll find that while the createsuperuser management doesn't 
> work, DsimUser.objects.create_superuser() *will* work as a command issue 
> from the Python shell.
> The problem is that you've created a User model that the createsuperuser 
> management command can't instantiate. Since client is a required field, 
> createsuperuser will be asking the user for a value -- but the value needs 
> to be a foreign key value, and that can't be entered at the keyboard (at 
> least, not without some post-processing). The error you're seeing is 
> unusual, but I suspect it's because the internals of Django are turning the 
> string input into an object that can't be saved as the FK value for the 
> User object.
> This is doubly true for m2m relations -- not only can't you specify an m2m 
> relation at the keyboard, you can't create an m2m relation until it the 
> objects involved in the relation have been saved.
> This is worth reporting as a bug -- at the very least, we should document 
> and validate that REQUIRED_FIELDS aren't foreign keys or m2m. A better (but 
> more complex) solution still would be to allow keyboard entry of FK and m2m 
> field data (including appropriate hints/search functionality). 
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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