Sniffing the connection, it connects to google but then always is
sending a new captcha....., how can I check if it is validating properly?
On 03/05/2013 04:34 PM, Xavier Pegenaute wrote:
I am using django-recaptcha and I want to use it inside the
registration form. In the website [1], inside the Field section says:
"A ReCaptcha widget will be rendered with the field validating itself
without any further action required from you". Actually seems is not
validating anything. Anyone had similar experience?
----------------------------- forms.py -----------------
from registration.forms import RegistrationFormUniqueEmail
from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField
class RecaptchaRegistrationForm(RegistrationFormUniqueEmail):
recaptcha = ReCaptchaField()
----------------------------- forms.py -----------------
----------------------------- urls.py -----------------
url(r'^accounts/register/$', register, { # Overwrite registration url
'backend': 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend',
'form_class': RecaptchaRegistrationForm,
}, name='registration_register'),
url(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')),
----------------------------- urls.py -----------------
----------------------------- registration_form.html -----------------
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Register for an account{% endblock %}
{% block container %}
<form method='post' action=''>{% csrf_token %}
{{ form }}
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Send activation
email" /></td>
{% endblock %}
----------------------------- registration_form.html -----------------
----------------------------- rendered code -----------------
<form method='post' action=''><input type='hidden'
name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='blablaq' />
<tr><th><label for="id_username">Username:</label></th><td><input
class="required" id="id_username" maxlength="30" name="username"
type="text" /></td></tr>
<tr><th><label for="id_email">E-mail:</label></th><td><input
class="required" id="id_email" maxlength="75" name="email" type="text"
<tr><th><label for="id_password1">Password:</label></th><td><input
class="required" id="id_password1" name="password1" type="password"
<tr><th><label for="id_password2">Password
(again):</label></th><td><input class="required" id="id_password2"
name="password2" type="password" /></td></tr>
var DjangoRecaptchaOptions = {
"lang": "en"
if (typeof RecaptchaOptions !== 'object') {
RecaptchaOptions = DjangoRecaptchaOptions;
} else {
for (key in DjangoRecaptchaOptions) {
RecaptchaOptions[key] = DjangoRecaptchaOptions[key];
<script type="text/javascript"
height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br />
<textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3"
<input type='hidden' name='recaptcha_response_field'
value='manual_challenge' />
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Send activation
email" /></td>
----------------------------- rendered code -----------------
The Exact version I am using are:
[1] - https://github.com/praekelt/django-recaptcha
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