i have created a model for image and added in admin. It's uploading images 
fine but when i m trying to display it's generating error this....

Using the URLconf defined in chh.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in 
this order:

   1. ^admin/

The current URL, photos/photos/DSCN0811.JPG, didn't match any of these.

i have set MEDIA_ROOT= 'C:/chh/photos'

and MEDIA_URL= '/photos/'

in settings.py of this project...... 

models.py is-

from django.db import models
from PIL import Image

class Photo(models.Model):
    photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='photos')
    def save(self, size=(200, 200)):
                1.    'from PIL import Image'
                1.    check to see if the image needs to be resized
                2.    check how to resize the image based on its aspect 
                3.    resize the image accordingly
                based loosely on djangosnippet #688
                Django 1.0
                Python 2.5.1
                Tanner Netterville
        if not self.id and not self.photo:
        super(Photo, self).save()
        pw = self.photo.width
        ph = self.photo.height
        nw = size[0]
        nh = size[1]
        # only do this if the image needs resizing
        if (pw, ph) != (nw, nh):
            filename = str(self.photo.path)
            image = Image.open(filename)
            pr = float(pw) / float(ph)
            nr = float(nw) / float(nh)
            if pr > nr:
                # photo aspect is wider than destination ratio
                tw = int(round(nh * pr))
                image = image.resize((tw, nh), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                l = int(round(( tw - nw ) / 2.0))
                image = image.crop((l, 0, l + nw, nh))
            elif pr < nr:
                # photo aspect is taller than destination ratio
                th = int(round(nw / pr))
                image = image.resize((nw, th), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                t = int(round(( th - nh ) / 2.0))
                print((0, t, nw, t + nh))
                image = image.crop((0, t, nw, t + nh))
                # photo aspect matches the destination ratio
                image = image.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

plz help me.... i have tried my best but i could not find it....

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