code is getting executed when Django validates it's models. Hence, 
Cartprobably has not been validated yet and it's model class is 

On Monday, February 11, 2013 4:29:44 PM UTC+5:30, vijay shanker wrote:
> hi 
> i wrote a function for producing tuples of all model names, which is this:
> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
> from django.db.models.loading import get_model
> def get_all_models():
>     return tuple([(each.__module__+'.'+each.__name__,each.__name__) for 
> each in [each.model_class() for each in 
> ContentType.objects.filter(app_label__in=['products','productoptions','shoppingcart'])
> if each is not None] if each is not None])
> when i run this in my shell it gives this output:
> (('shoppingcart.models.Cart', 'Cart'), ('shoppingcart.models.CartItem', 
> 'CartItem'), ('shoppingcart.models.CartRule', 'CartRule'), 
> ('products.models.CasesAccessory', 'CasesAccessory'), 
> ('productoptions.models.Coating', 'Coating'), 
> ('shoppingcart.models.ConditionSet', 'ConditionSet'), 
> ('products.models.Eyeglass', 'Eyeglass'), ('products.models.GiftVoucher', 
> 'GiftVoucher'), ('productoptions.models.Lens', 'Lens'), 
> ('productoptions.models.Prescription', 'Prescription'), 
> ('products.models.Readingglass', 'Readingglass'), 
> ('products.models.Sunglass', 'Sunglass'), ('productoptions.models.Tint', 
> 'Tint'), ('productoptions.models.Vision', 'Vision'))
> while at choices my first option got lost and output is:
> (('shoppingcart.models.CartItem', 'CartItem'), 
> ('products.models.CasesAccessory', 'CasesAccessory'), 
> ('productoptions.models.Coating', 'Coating'), ('products.models.Eyeglass', 
> 'Eyeglass'), ('products.models.GiftVoucher', 'GiftVoucher'), 
> ('productoptions.models.Lens', 'Lens'), 
> ('productoptions.models.Prescription', 'Prescription'), 
> ('products.models.Readingglass', 'Readingglass'), 
> ('products.models.Sunglass', 'Sunglass'), ('productoptions.models.Tint', 
> 'Tint'), ('productoptions.models.Vision', 'Vision'))
> why did this happened and whats the fix ?

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