Corey Oordt wrote:
> I'm not sure I can appreciate why you would require a URL to have a  
> query string. It seems to go against the anti-crufty URLs that Django  
> is trying to avoid.
> Query strings, if I understand them correctly are really meant to  
> provide a subset or context of an otherwise working page.
> So with that in mind, I would recommend that you show a page with  
> empty results, such as "No results were found."

generally i agree with you (URLs must be nice and simple).

the problem i sometimes have is with data that is not hierarchic.

imagine that you want to show a form, and you would like to prefill some 
of it's fields...

one way is to do something like:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&urgent=1

how would you propose to do this without query-strings?


> Corey
> On Sep 22, 2006, at 9:28 AM, Gábor Farkas wrote:
>> hi,
>> imagine that you have a view function, that requires a parameter in  
>> the
>> querystring.
>> for example, it needs to have:
>> now, what should happen if it gets:
>> ?
>> in this case, technically the user should not be able to have the url
>> without the querystring, except if he is playing with the url :)
>> i mean "what is the most standard-conformant and correct response"?
>> http-404 certainly not imho.
>> http-500 seems also wrong, because there was no unexpected error in  
>> the
>> server.
>> http-400 bad request maybe?
>> simply returning a http-200 with an error page seems to be the wrong
>> thing to do.
>> gabor
> > 

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