Thanks for the advice guys, I didn't like it much either - a Friday
afternoon solution. I'll do something a little less brute force ;)



On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Bill Freeman <> wrote:
> Tom,
> I suspect that there man be problematic, perhaps dependent on python
> version, because the __dict__ attribute itself is a slot (it couldn't, for
> example, be in the __dict__).  Some slots may not accept assignment after
> creation, and the __dict__ object may not be an ordinary dict().
> Separately, if I'm understanding correctly, there is a local database with a
> copy of the information.  Unless you've done something special with the
> local model definitions, the id field will be problematic.
> I think that you're stuck with  a for loop over synched_contact.items(),
> where you can filter keys that shouldn't be saved.  You can also then uses
> setattr(self, key, value) instead of accessing self.__dict__, leaving you
> the flexibility for some of these attributes to be properties, if that turns
> out to be useful.
> Bill
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Tom Evans <> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have a curious problem with a complex data replication issue.
>> Basically, we use SalesForce as a CRM system. We also have a bunch of
>> users who aren't allowed a SF license due to cost reasons, and they
>> interact with SF via our own Django website that communicates to SF
>> via an API.
>> With this API, we can CRUD all salesforce objects. We can also fetch
>> all changes since (specific time), so we maintain a local copy of all
>> our SF data in django models, synchronizing changes every 10 minutes
>> throughout the day. This actually works quite well!
>> The problem comes with using django idioms like get_or_create(), when
>> an object is created directly on SF in the period since the last
>> synchronization. In this example, we want to get_or_create a Contact
>> with a specific email address. There is no Contact locally with the
>> specified email address, so get_or_create tries to create a new one.
>> Using the API, this issues the appropriate query to SF, but since the
>> Contact already exists on SF, an exception is raised.
>> get_or_create(), create() all work via save(), so my idea is to catch
>> this specific error in save, re-synchronise the database against the
>> remote end, pull the freshly synced record out of the database, and
>> replace self.__dict__ with new_item.__dict__, looking something like
>> this:
>>   def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
>>       try:
>>           super(Contact, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
>>       except ValueError, e:
>>           if 'Contact already exists' in unicode(e):
>>               # Synchronize Contact objects with SF
>>               run_log = SyncRunLog(
>>               Contact.update(run_log)
>>               # The contact should now be available locally
>>               try:
>>                   synched_contact = Contact.objects.get(
>>                   self.__dict__ = synched_contact.__dict__
>>               except Contact.DoesNotExist:
>>                   # Still not there, raise a new ValueError
>>                   raise ValueError(
>>                           'Failed to find contact %s after resyncing '
>>                           'Contact following this error: %s'
>>                           % (, unicode(e)))
>>           else:
>>               raise e
>> Is there an obvious issue with doing this? Can I simply replace
>> self.__dict__ like that without bad consequences?
>> Cheers
>> Tom
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