fortunately my case was really simple, i had to count number of m2m objects 
attached to my model and storing it as field, and  had to make the decision 
of having a ForeignKey/OneToOne relation based on number of m2m objects 
attached.I was already using m2m_changed signal ( on post_add ), so i 
handled the case there itself
thanks tran.

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 2:33:46 PM UTC+5:30, Huu Da Tran wrote:
> You could overwrite the save() method... or if you are populating from a 
> form, overwrite the clean() method.
> On Thursday, February 7, 2013 3:23:54 AM UTC-5, vijay shanker wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have these two models Cart and CartItem,
>> class Cart(models.Model):
>>     cart_id             = models.CharField(max_length=
>> 50, null=False)
>>     customer            = models.ForeignKey(Customer,null=True,blank=True)
>>     cartitems           = models.ManyToManyField(CartItem,null=True)
>>     applied_rule        = 
>> models.OneToOneField(CartRule,null=True,blank=True)
>> class CartItem(models.Model):
>>     content_type    = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
>>     object_id       = models.PositiveIntegerField()
>>     content_object  = 
>> generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type','object_id')
>>     quantity        = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
>>     is_abandoned    = models.BooleanField(default=False)
>>     def __str__(self):
>>         return self.cart_id
>> the rules to be applied only when there are more than two items in 
>> shoppingcart, i.e i am looking for a way to attach a rule to cart only if 
>> there are more than two items in cart (cartitems m2m field should have more 
>> than two objects in it).
>> How should i go about it ?

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