Hi guys,

Thanks everybody for all the answers, really helped me.

I *SOLVED the problem.*

The problem was I was calling custom enviroment variables into my 
settings.py . So that enviroments variables exists on bash (thanks to 
.bashrc) but not in cron  ( thanks Branko Majic ) so manage.py failed  to 
load and no load at all .

I fixed calling my env variables in cron like this:

2 * * * * * root  . $HOME/.basrc; /root/env/project/script.sh

Thank you  to everybody
And sorry about my english.

Jesús Lucas

El miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013 14:39:55 UTC+1, Jesús Lucas Flores 
> Hey guys,
> I need a little bit help with a custom manage.py command called *test*
>  I am using it in a virtualenv on a shell script  *script.sh*,
> The script.sh works well out of the cron and Wihiout activate the 
> virtualenv also works well.
> but if the script is on the crontab give a *Unknown command: 'test'* .
>  Here is the code:  http://dpaste.org/hjaVi/ , 
> Any help ? 
> Thank you

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