patrickk wrote:
> well, now I´m totally confused.
> I though that´s exactly what custom manipulators are here for:
> "You can easily create your own custom manipulators for handling  
> custom forms." (django documentation).

All manipulators handle forms:
- prepare initial data
- validate data
- save data or redisplay the form with errors

Automatic manipulators just know how to construct their fields based on 
model's fields.

> that´s right. user_profile_manipulator doesn´t have that checkbox field.
> in the model, the relation is defined as:
> music = models.ManyToManyField(Music, blank=True, null=True,  
> related_name='music')
> at this point, there is nothing defined about *how* to display that  
> relation (e.g. using checkboxes).

In fact there is a default representation for every Django data field. 
For ManyToManyField it is SelectMultipleField.

> as mentioned above, I thought that´s the primary use-case for custom  
> manipulators:
> the custom manipulator handles the custom form
> the changemanipulator handles the data
> is that wrong?

Yes. One manipulator is intended to handle one form entirely. You need a 
custom manipulator only if an automatic one doesn't work as you want it.

> some thoughts on that:
> 1. if I do it that way, I´m having checkboxes in the admin-interface,  
> right?

No. Admin code won't know anything about your manipulator and will use 
automatic ChangeManipulator (with SelectMultiple for your 'music').

For completeness: to make it work in admin you could create a new 
_model_ field as a subclass of ManyToManyField and make 
CheckboxMultipleField its default manipulaator field class.

> 2. is that the standard way to do it? it seems really complicated  
> (ref. to finding and removing fields)?

I wouldn't call it "standard" but for me it seems pretty 
straightforward. I use it often and have convenience function for 
removing fields by name.

> 3. instead of "finding and removing a field" - why not write a custom  
> manipulator, add specific validation etc.?

You could. This is truly depend on the amount of differences between 
automatic behavior and what you want.

If you want a form that is mostly similar to an automatic one but with 
some small bits changed then it makes sense to change automatic 
behavior. Because if you create a custom manipulator you will need to 
repeat all the definitions for all the fields that automatic 
manipulators do based on model. And keep updating manipulator when you 
change a model.

But if your form is more custom and consists mostly of fields that don't 
belong to one model then it is more convenient to create a custom 
manipulator from scratch.

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