thanx Bill, it gives me idea how password reset works in django

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Bill Freeman <> wrote:

> Assuming that you are talking about the registered user's ability to set a
> new password after forgetting the old password:
>   The Django installation must be configured to be able to send E-mail
>   The user must have a valid E-mail address stored in his User object
>   The forgotten password page allows the user to be specified (username or
> you can fancy it up)
>   The Django installation records a special token in association with the
> user (also an expiration time), and sends a link that includes that token
> to the user's E-mail address.
>   The user sees the E-mail, and assuming that is was him, rather than
> someone else trying to steal his account, he clicks on the link.
>   The view there gets the token as an argument, uses it to look up the
> reset object, and if it isn't expired by this time, offers password and
> confirmation fields that it will use to reset the user's password.
> It's a complex process for security's sake.  Hopefully the overview above
> will help you to understand the documentation.
> Bill
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Sarfraz ahmad 
> <>wrote:
>> How can i use django password reset method........
>>  unable to understand the django documentation about password reset.....
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