I would like to develop an Android app and leverage Facebook SDK for 
Android for user authentication instead of requiring users to register 
another account in my App. No browser access to Django is needed.
After users log in Facebook successfully, the SDK will return a token, I 
would like to send the token to Django and verify whether it is valid or 
(In other words, log into Django via the Facebook token.)
The communication between my App and Django is in RESTful way.
I have read http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter14.html.
It seems django.contrib.auth leverages the built-in 
authentication mechanism. 
I also have found https://gist.github.com/3972601. 
However, I do not know how to integrate them into my Django so that users 
can log in my App via Facebook and access the resources in Django.
Any ideas?

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