Thanks for your feedback. It is exactly the way you suggest. I did not 
think through what I had done myself (referring to "app_name/*.html" in my 
views and templates) before posting.


On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 1:50:17 AM UTC+1, Amirouche wrote:
> Héllo Per-Olof,
> On Saturday, January 5, 2013 4:17:14 PM UTC+1, Per-Olof Åstrand wrote:
>> I had a problem interpreting the documentation of app_directories.Loader 
>> in 
>> use the dev version of Django). As I read the documentation, I should 
>> put the templates for an app in
>> app_name/templates/*.html
> Yes, it should work if you reference the template *without* the app_name 
> for instance 
> {% extends "base.html" %}
> {% include "footer.html" %}
> or in python with «render(request, "base.html", ctx)» but you never render 
> the base html or footer directly so this is dummy example
>> whereas to get it to work, I had to put them in
>> app_name/templates/app_name/*.html
> it only works if you reference the app_name when you call the template for 
> instance «render(request, "app_name/index.html", ctx)» same for include and 
> extends.
> It's a convention to avoid clash between templates names, it a way to 
> namespace templates, otherwise you would need to namespace the names of the 
> templates like: «app_name_index.html» which is not nice...
>> It also seems like it looks for templates in (which I could see from the 
>> error message when failing with the first approach)
>> app_name1/templates/app_name2/*.html
>> I can see the power of that when having a hierarchy of apps. Am I missing 
>> something here?
>> Per-Olof

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