Hi all,

I'm really pleased to announce the releases of Mezzanine 1.3 and Cartridge
0.7. Mezzanine is a BSD licensed CMS framework for Django, and Cartridge is
its companion project that provides e-commerce support for Mezzanine. It's
been almost 5 months since 1.2 and 0.6 were released, which is one of the
longest stretches between releases in their history. These releases are
also one of the largest in terms of number of changes, but one of the
smallest in terms of new features. This represents a really interesting
stage, showing good signs of both feature completeness and polish.

Here's an overview of what's new:


- Full support for Django 1.5
- Improved support for Lettuce test runner
- Improved support for django-compressor
- Updated to latest client libraries (jQuery/jQuery UI/Boostrap)
- All previous versions now tagged in GitHub/Bitbucket
- Separation of mandatory and optional fixtures during installation
- Configurable upload_to handlers per file fields
- Configurable spam filters (previously akismet only)
- Configurable "search in" options in public search form
- Support for custom markup formats in content description generation
- Support for custom markup formats in comment rendering
- Multi-tenancy now supports is_staff across Django Admin and live-editing
- Multi-tenancy support in sitemaps
- Support for excluding pages/content from sitemaps


- JVM/Jython compatibility
- Improved automated deploys: locale and ssl config fixes


- Improved drag/drop support for reordering the page tree


- New DOB field type in the forms builder app
- Support for custom field types in the forms builder app


- More granular template blocks throughout the blog app
- Recent posts template tag in blog app supports tag/category filtering
- Next/previous blog post in blog detail view- Ownable model filtering in
Django Admin now configurable

Shop (Cartridge):

- New payment handler for Stripe
- Better support for currency locale on Windows

That's it! As usual the number of contributors and deployed sites has grown
rapidly. A big thanks to everyone who has contributed features and fixes,
provided community support, and for sharing the awesome sites they've built
using Mezzanine and Cartridge.

Check out the following URLs for more info:

Project homepage: http://mezzanine.jupo.org
Sites gallery: http://mezzanine.jupo.org/sites/
Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/mezzanine-users
IRC: #mezzanine on irc.freenode.net
Mezzanine docs: http://mezzanine.jupo.org/docs/
Mezzanine source: https://github.com/stephenmcd/mezzanine
Cartridge docs: http://cartridge.jupo.org
Cartridge source: https://github.com/stephenmcd/cartridge


Stephen McDonald

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