Hallo Derek,

thank for your reply. I was thinking about the templates.
The admin area is fine for now, though it could be changed through 
diazo too if needed.


On Tue 18 Dec 2012 08:28:12 AM CET, Derek wrote:
> You do not say which part of Django you need to theme.  Assuming its
> the admin, I suggest you look at Grappelli[1] as they have done
> extensive work in  theming. You could either provide your own CSS and
> override any templates as needed; or start from scratch but with their
> approach/code as an example.
> Derek
> [1] https://django-grappelli.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
> On Friday, 14 December 2012 23:55:31 UTC+2, 4 The good Life we work wrote:
>     Hallo,
>     I'm used to theme Plone with Diazo/ <http://www.diazo.org/>XSLT.
>     <http://www.diazo.org/>
>     Is there any tutorial for Django?
>     Thanks,
>     Michael

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