On Friday, December 14, 2012 11:17:07 AM UTC+1, ke1g wrote:
> How are you combining INSTALLED_APPS from the two files?  Note that simply 
> "setting" it to what you want to add in the file that includes the other 
> *replaces* the value you have imported from the other.  Be sure to use += 
> instead of = .


in each specific settings file

> Also, if you run "python manage.py shell" you can "from django.conf import 
> settings" and poke around at the values that you are actually setting, 
> which may give a clue.

>From the shell, INSTALLED_APPS value is as expected


> Finally, you can put "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" at/near the top of one 
> or the other file and single step your way along to explore how execution 
> differs from your plan.

I'll try this


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